Frequently Asked Questions
1 What is farm ?

Use your $BBB or tokens to buy farmers who can harvest tokens. tokens is liquid and can be swapped easily.

2 What is referral program ?

A referral program is a marketing strategy where existing customers are rewarded for referring new customers. Refer friends to earn 10% of their mining rewards.

2 What is megadrop ?

Megadrop allows you to stake BBB to receive MBBB, and you can unstake MBBB to get BBB back. While holding MBBB, you will periodically receive various airdrops.

2 What is drop ?

There are two types of airdrops: official airdrops and community airdrops. Official airdrops are distributed by the project team based on MBBB snapshots, while community airdrops can be created by anyone. Creating a community airdrop requires spending 257,000 BBB.